“MEOW ATTACK” Bronze statue release party!
EARTH 2 GALAXYでは、Lottaとのコラボレーションによる初のブロンズ作品「Socks the Ghost cat」の発売を記念してリリースパーティを行います。
皆様のご参加をEARTH 2 GALAXYスタッフ一同、心よりお待ちしております。
今回のイベント名でもあるMEOW ATTACKは、データベースを消去した後、ミャオと猫の鳴き声
イベント当日は、SocksくんがEARTH 2 GALAXYをATTACK!?
開催日時:5月27日(土) 15:00~
EARTH 2 GALAXY will hold a party to celebrate the release of “Socks the Ghost cat”, the first bronze work created in collaboration with Lotta.
Lotta herself will be present at the gallery, and guests will enjoy music by a DJ using the gallery’s special speakers and visual art by a VJ.
Champagne and light refreshments will be served.
In addition, an original sticker designed by Lotta will be given away to commemorate the release of the bronze statue!
All of us at EARTH 2 GALAXY look forward to seeing you there.
The name of this event, MEOW ATTACK, comes from a cyber-attack that leaves only the catcalls after the database is erased.
On the day of the event, Socks-kun will ATTACK EARTH 2 GALAXY!?
Date and Time: Saturday, May 27, 15:00~.
*Gallery open: 13:00 – 21:00
*In case of congestion, admission will be limited.
*Please ask the staff at the entrance for priority admission for those who have applied for the bronze statue.